behind the lens

Your story is important to me and when we work together you’ll get to see the uniqueness and beauty of it. Within hours of your shoot you’ll receive artsy sneak peaks of our time together and your full album won’t be far behind. 

hi friend, I'm charity.

My 'why'

One thing about me is that I have FAITH. The kind of faith that believes everything happens for a reason and God has a beautifully crafted plan for me and you far bigger than what we could think to ask for. 

Lets take it back to 2012, a small town in Connecticut where In my family, my dad was the storyteller. He took pride in capturing every milestone and holding the camcorder for all our home videos. 

As a young teen, circumstances changed, and suddenly, the responsibility of being the family documenter fell onto my shoulders. I didn’t know it at the time but the circumstances that led to my dad no longer being in the picture would fuel a love for photography. 

I now see that the camera is no longer just a device – it became my connection to our memories, a tool that allowed me to continue the tradition of storytelling through visuals. 

01. I'm obsessed with

04. i couldn't live without

02. my fav season is:

03. I shot my first wedding...

05. fav ice cream

08. most powerful i've ever felt

06. favorite place i've been to

07. something i want to share with everyone and anyone

Meaningful messages can be conveyed through photos and video but some guilty pleasures I have take it a step further. Growing up I loved to read which fostered a love to write as well. I dreamed of being an author and a songwriter. I was in a girls choir and took private voice lessons for years which taught me so many fundamentals about music. I was a Fine arts nerd and enrolled myself in music camps writing contents - anything to indulge in an uninterrupted week of creativity. I’ve got more notebooks in my possession than is necessary and many of them are filled with half written songs, journal entries, prayers and stories. 

I've always loved the south and country music even though up until recently I had only ever lived in Connecticut. I’m a proud mama to a cute little southern bell and I play violin, piano , handbells and guitar

get to know me

my core values















Ready to have fun while capturing 
your most cherished moments?

me too, let's do this!